Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pondering Over Hiatus and Music Videos

I noticed this sort of pattern of mine when writing on this blog. Whenever my bias groups go on hiatus, so do I. Neither Big Bang nor 2NE1 is making any new music right now, and since my other favorite groups haven't been releasing either, I haven't been posting. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been listening to Kpop or Jpop during my unofficial leave of absence.
Heck, the whole 18 hour drive to New Jersey to see Big Bang was like a Kpop marathon and heard lots of groups I love, didn't know, or just didn't give a chance. Either way, these were a list of some of the songs I've been listening to while I've been away.

Miss A - I Don't Need a Man

BigBang- Last Farewell

I love Bigbang, but ever since discovering their music I've only kept up the Lollipop and beyond sons. I didn't really know about their older work until gong to the Concert in New Jersey. After watching this performed live and hearing it so much in the car, I've grown to really like this song.

Epik High ft Lee Hi- It's Cold
I was not impressed with Lee Hi's debut, but add her with Epik High and she makes one bad A** song. Thankfully, she doesn't need much personality to perform this song, and her voice is amazing nonetheless. On the other side, can someone give Tabloo a happy pill?

Tumblr has actually been rotating this post a lot, but I think this song is hilarious!

Round Table ft Nino
Anything/Everything by them. I'm actually listening to them now while writing this post. The song below is great for rainy days.

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