Monday, July 18, 2011

きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ (Kyary Pamyu Pamyu) -PONPONPON

This has got to be the cutest/weirdest video I've ever seen! The song is called "PONPONPON" by Japanese model turned singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. The video has everything from dinosaurs, barbie dolls, and floating eyeballs in the video. Despite the weird parts in the video - floating eyeballs, random toys in her hair, and that lunch lady dancing in the background- it's really cute if you ask and the song is quite catchy. Check the video below and let me know what you think!

[Click here for Lyrics]


  1. I'd love a translation - I found the lyrics, but I'd still like to know what she's singing about.

    I LOVE that song. Been playing it for an hour now.

  2. I'll try to see if I can find lyrics and a translation. From what I've heard, the lyrics don't match the song at all, but I'll look to be sure. Thanks for the comment! ~^^~

  3. ive been trying to translate them all day... i got nothin'. that would be awesome though!

  4. I found a few sites that had a translation for it and I've posted them here! Sorry if I took too long >.<
