Monday, April 23, 2012

Dear Lovely Followers, Viewers, and Trolls

Stupified by finals, bu I have something to tide you all over!

I'm not dead. I know it's been a while since I made a decent post on this blog, but there I've had so much to do lately that I've been totally sidetracked. I've been working with my job, preparing for  finals, working on my blogs, balancing a relationship, and and keeping up with my family. I've been so busy that I let my baby fall to the side. Don't worry, after finals are over, I'll be back.

In the meantime, watch this video by Girl's Day to cheer you up!
The song is called "Oh!My God" and it's deadly cute! I haven't watched anything this sweet and enjoyed it sine Kara's Rock Your Bossy Body! The sound effects where a quirky twist to the video, and I love love their clothes! Someone - anyone - take me to a Korean mall!

PS. Is there something that you want to see improved with the blog? It's been months since I've changed this wallpaper, even though I said I'd change it months ago (remember that poll I had. No? well . . . nevermind).
May be going a bit litter. Stay tuned for more! 

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